What I'm Up To...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I realize that quite a few of my recent posts and Recommendation of the Days talk about how I "don't listen to a band all that much", and I'm not sure how that comes off. To be clear, I've always been into finding new bands and chasing the dragon. As hokey and corny as it sounds, music acts as a bit of a drug for me, and I'm always chasing the next fix, which is why I'm almost always listening to something new (at least new to me). If you look at my Last.fm profile, my most-listened-to band only has about 330 plays, which, compared to a lot of people, isn't all that much.

As I've said before, I have A LOT of music on my computer and iPod, 98% of which I've bought or gotten through legal means. As a result, I tend to burn out on bands fairly quickly in my quest to find the next thing to listen to. I feel like I never have enough time to fully devote to everything that comes my way. Ah well, such is life.

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