What I'm Up To...

Friday, March 21, 2008

Fashion + mullet = Fashit

Fashion + Mullet = Femullet
Fashion + Mullet = Fashit

I've always been really bothered and just overall bummed out by those "kids these days" type of people, but a recent fashion trend has definitely made me second guess my distaste for those assholes saying that everything was better when they were young: the reintroduction of the mullet/rat tail. What the hell? When did this happen, and why did the elitist hipster fashion snobs of our culture adopt the most stereotypically "uncool" hairstyles EVER and make them their own? I have no problem with the way people choose to dress or wear their hair, but I just think it's weird/interesting. In my time in New York, from both last summer and the two days this week, I've probably seen 10-15 people with this hair. I'm glad it hasn't spread to Michigan yet. I don't get it.

Exhibits A-E

Unfortunately, I couldn't find any examples of the fashion rat tail online. Probably for the best, however.

I think it's amazing how a subculture has taken something that for so long has been ridiculed and somehow made it ubercool and hip. Then again, maybe it was unintentional and they think it's something totally new. Who knows.

In non-mullet related news, I saw a guy with this sign on the street today and thought it was pretty awesome. Don't worry, I gave him some money.

EDIT: This picture wasn't working earlier, but it looks like it is now. Leave a comment if it's not showing up.

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