What I'm Up To...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Recommendation of the Day

From now on, I think I'm going to start a new "feature" of sorts on the blog: a Recommendation of the Day. Basically, I'm going to try to post something new EVERY DAY that I've been enjoying lately, and I'm doing this for a couple reasons:

1. It'll remind me that this darned blog exists and that some people read it on occasion. Not a ton, but a few. Basically, this will hopefully keep me on task.

2. There will be some sort of consistency for everyone who reads the blog. In the future, if you haven't been on here in a few days, you can safely assume that I've posted something since your last visit. I won't have something interesting or witty to say every day, but at least I'll say something about something...or something.

3. I like to pimp out a lot of things on this blog; basically, that's all I use this thing for. At least now I'll have a formal, consistent way of doing so, so that maybe I can use the rest of my time to post things that might be actually worthwhile or insightful (but probably not).

Knowing me, I'm thinking that most of these Recommendations of the Day will be music-related, whether it's a band I've been listening to / thinking about lately, a new album I've been spinning, or a song that's been bouncing its way around my brain. However, that doesn't mean I'll stick to music: movies, books, video games, no one is safe.

Because it's late and I want to watch an episode of The Wire before I go to bed, I'll post my first Recommendation of the Day tomorrow. Sorry to be a tease...

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