What I'm Up To...

Friday, January 9, 2009

After a lot of research and listening to people's advice and recommendations, I decided to pick up an iPhone yesterday. It's taking a little getting used to, seeing as how it's completely different from any phone I've ever had, but I'm definitely loving it so far. Please rec me some good apps.

Also saw Tony Dungy walking down the street today.


1 comment:

  1. Pandora and Shazam are two incredible ones for music; Pandora for the music genome project radio and shazam so you can use it to identify songs that are paying nearby. There are some nice food apps such as urban spoon, which randomly select restaurants in the area based on criteria. For games, tap tap revolution is awesome, kind of like ddr/guitar hero for your fingers. They have one that's free and one that is based off of Nine Inch Nails that isn't. They have a bunch of fun ones that make light saber sounds, check movie times, and aim as well. Your best bet is to just dive in and really look at what is available. I'm pretty sure they must have quite a few centered around living in New York city, such as subways, bars, and other maps.

    Hope New York is treating you good and your new job rocks. From the sound of things, your doing pretty good. Take care.
