What I'm Up To...

Friday, January 18, 2008

Goddamn Fever

Spending most of the day the University of Michigan ER is not exactly how I planned to spend my Thursday, but alas, some things are out of my control. As I mentioned a few days ago, I was starting to come down with a cold, and it came to a head yesterday when I woke up sweating like crazy, while also shaking and feeling achy. Standard fever symptoms, and a quick check of my temperature revealed I had a fever of 101.4. Not fun. Because I'm heavily immuno-suppressed due to all the drugs pumped into my body, my body pretty much sucks at life and fighting things off and my doctors have warned me about fevers. After calling my doctor's office, hoping to be able to just get a quick blood test or something at UHS, they told me I had to go to the ER to get cultures and whatnot. Lame.

Luckily, it wasn't busy at all, and I was able to get into a room in the ER within about 15 minutes. When they checked my temp within about 2 minutes of getting there, it had gone back to normal, which was win/lose. The rest of the day was spent lying in a hospital bed, with a chest X-Ray and kidney ultrasound thrown in there for good measure. Pretty boring, and they eventually sent me home around 5-ish feeling better than I had that morning, but still feeling kinda crappy.

Obviously looking forward to getting home and watching Lost in bed, I was bummed to realize that I had locked myself out of my bedroom. 1 trip to the hardware store, 2 trips to ADPhi, and 2 ladders later, I was finally home. As if my day couldn't get any worse, I spilled a huuuuuuuuge tub of chicken noodle soup all over my bed. Shit's weak. I still have a runny nose and a cough, but that's about it.

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