What I'm Up To...

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Recommendation of the Day: #16

Recommendation of the Day: Street Fighter IV

Street Fighter IV was just released on the Xbox 360 and PS3, and so far, it's been a total blast from the past for me. It's so much fun seeing all the characters that I remember as a kid rendered in hi-definition on my 42-inch flat screen tv.

Chris and I had a ball tonight playing each other online - a move that while signaling the future of online gaming, felt all that much more familiar and nostalgic with trash talking and the feeling of competition among friends.

Friday, February 27, 2009


So tempted to jump on the Twitter bandwagon. Everyone at work has it, and I feel left out. It's like a blog for lazy people with ADD! What could be better?

EDIT: I went from being tempted to signing up in about 10 minutes. See what I'm up to @ twitter.com/drewshannon

I'm sure it'll involve more of the minutiae of my day, which you're probably not interested in.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm sure it'll only get worse

So I was trying to buy these tickets for work today, and this Ticketmaster bullshit has got to stop. These fees and charges add up to $15.62 per ticket, a whopping 47% of the ticket cost. Fuck you Ticketmaster.

Recommendation of the Day #15

Recommendation of the Day: FMyLife.com

FMyLife.com is a new-ish blog that manages both to be like many other blogs in that it showcases funny and embarrassing stories, but also different enough to be interesting and worth checking out.

For each "story" (about a sentence or two), users can vote "I agree, you life is f***ed" OR "you deserved that one", resulting in "Top FML's" of the day or "Flop FML's" of the day, respectively.

Another interesting feature is the ability for users to view pending stories and vote whether it's worthy to go on the site or not. Again, the basic premise of the site isn't all that interesting, but I think they manage to do things in a slightly different way. That, and the stories are hysterically funny, but only because it's not happening to you.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Does anybody pay attention or even care about the "labels" that accompany most of the blog posts? If done well, they allow you, the reader, to see every post I've made that is related to a given topic (for example, every blog post where I post links to free music, or every post with a video in it). I've been really bad and sporadic about them, but if people care about them or use them, then I'll take some time to go back to the beginning and try to label every one with a relevant label.

The Folk Prince of Bel-Air

I need this MP3. Someone hook me up!

Recommendation of the Day #14

Recommendation of the Day: Deas Vail

Another band that made it on one of my past "Best Of" lists with their 2007 album All The Houses Look The Same, Deas Vail is a band that I'm convinced can do no wrong. With their catchy pop melodies and alt-rock musical stylings similar to This Day and Age, yesterday's recommendation, these guys (& gal) have never written a bad song. If their recent White Lights EP is any indication of what's to come on their upcoming 2009 full-length release, this band has a very bright future ahead of it.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Recommendation of the Day #13

Recommendation of the Day: This Day And Age

No long explanation need here. Simply put, This Day and Age is one of my favorite bands of all time who never got as much recognition as they arguably deserved, and they broke up way too soon. Some members went on to form The Reign of Kindo, but it's not the same. For me, Always Leave The Ground is pretty much as close to a perfect record as you can get, and I'm sad that they'll never release any more music. Still, I'm grateful for what we got, and I can't recommend them enough.

Style of music: catchy pop-rock infused with piano

Anya Marina for $3.99

Check out Anya Marina's new album, Slow & Steady Seduction: Phase II, for only 4 bucks on today's Amazon MP3 Daily Deal.

Anya Marina - Slow & Steady Seduction: Phase II
Sorry about the lack of updates lately; it hasn't been an accident, I promise. Caitlin came and visited me in New York for the past 4 or 5 days, and we had a great time walking around the city, going shopping, doing tourist-y things. I saw more of "my own" city in the 4 days she was here than the 4 months I've lived here.

I'll start posting my recommendations of day again starting tomorrow, but until then, check out The Lefsetz Letter. Bob Lefsetz is a "music industry insider" (whatever the fuck that means) who writes about his thoughts on the current music industry climate. While he often has interesting insights, I can't decide whether he's the best or the worst thing to ever happen to the music business. I'm debating leaving his mailing list for the sole purpose that it makes me hate myself, my career, and my life, but judge for yourself.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

American Idol sucks...surprised?

So I read the following on a message board this afternoon, and I can't say I'm surprised:

So I was a contestant this year at the Phoneix audition and Im going to tell you whats wrong with this show.

Some of my buddies pushed me to go (even though I knew nothing about the show) to the Phoenix audiotion because it was so close to my house.

Day 1- I went and waited in line for a wristband for about 3 hours and I almost said **** it right there, but I figured if I already had waited in line, might as well. They gave us 2 songs to learn and the rules for audiotioning. Afterwards I went to the food court of the stadium it was held at and I found a dueling piano bar that was having their out Shout House! Idol contest. I entered for practice to see if I had a chance. I had to sing in front of a bunch of strangers with 20 other contestants and I sang Jason Mraz- Curbside prophet. I won the whole thing and won $500 and a tshirt. Good start :) I might have a chance at this thing.

I then had to wait about a week for the actual audtion at the stadium.

Day 2 - A week later I went to the stadium at about 5am with some friends and we waited in line for about 4 hours and finally got into our seats in the stadium. They call you by section and while you wait for your section to be called, they film about 100 takes of everybody signing the designated songs as a crowd. When you section is called you go down to the floor and they branch you off into mini groups of 4 to go in front of judges that work on the FOX staff. You get about 30 seconds and they tell you if you proceed. Only about 150 people made it through this process I believe. I was one of them. Golden ticket- wow!? Is this happening??
You are then taken into the "win room" where they take your picture and you have to fill out a huge packet full of disclamers and background check stuff. They pulled me and another girl out of the room and we had to go back into the audience and pretend like we had just won and freak out for the camera. It was pretty cool having FOX's camera crew follow us around the stadium in front of everybody- made me feel like a bad ass haha.

They then give you one one two days in about 2 weeks for your next audition. I was chosen for the first day of the 2, and it was held at the W in Scottsdale. I wasnt allowed to tell anybody when and where it was, so I had to call in to work :P

Day 3- After alot of practicing and getting my act together, I thought this was the day I go in front of the MAIN judges. Nope. We had to go into another room and wait in line. The first line, they put you in front of a camera to make sure you look good enough on film, and then you sing in front of another set of regular people that work for FOX. I got past this round too. Alot of people didnt. Then, you wait in line AGAIN to go in fornt of more judges. These were the big boys. They film you in front of the same backdrop they use with Randy, Simon and them so that they can take from both takes for the show. I brought my family with me so they were waiting outside the door. You walk in the room and you are in front of a bunch of music professionals and Nigel, the producer of the show. I sang my heart out and did awesome. Here are his exact words.. "you have an incredible look and you can definately sing. Unfortunately we are only allowed to bring a limited number of "rock guys" due to the winner last year, and we have filled up the slots. Try out at an earlier city next year and you will have a great shot. We will see you next year." WHAT!!???? I was really confused. What a freakin joke! I couldnt even say anything cause I was shocked as hell. This show is not a talent contest whatsoever! I walked out the door and I didnt have a ticket and my family thought I was hiding it somewhere. I told them FOX already had enough "rock guys" in front of the camera (of course they will never show that) and they were pissed. I did an amazing job.

So, the good thing was I learned alot about how fucked up this show is and I know I will never waste my time trying out again. from what I have heared from some of my buddies I met who made it, things are really rough when you get to Hollywood. They only pay for your trip there and your room. You have to find out how to pay for the rest, and your trip home when you are cut. and ALOT of drama at the hotel.

all in all, it was a grat learning experience and I know that the remaining contestants are terrible for the most part. No good guys left, and a couple young girls that are amazing. I would still be on the show if Nigel hadnt filled up his character roster before Phoenix.

Questions and Comments are more than welcome.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Recommendation of the Day: #12

Recommendation of the Day: Covers

Although they're hit or miss (read: it's reallllllly easy to fuck up and basically ruin a song), I love covers, and the prospect of band X covering band Y usually has me jonesing like a crack addict. I don't know what it is about them that I love so much; it must be the idea of hearing a certain song played in an entirely new way or genre. Imagine, then, my delight at finding the following 2 covers this afternoon:

Click HERE for And Then There Were None's cover of Imogen Heap's ethereal masterpiece "Hide and Seek".

Click HERE for Thursday's cover of Kanye West's "Heartless"

Both are free downloads.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Recommendation of the Day: #11

Recommendation of the Day: Bon Iver

In the music business, the word "hype" can either be the signal of a promising future or death knell of an artist. The resulting product can be iconic, but it can also signal to others a sort of elitism, worthy of only a select audience. I'm sure it's no surprise to anyone that hype doesn't always mean a high quality product. Movies are hyped all the time, only to disappoint and flop upon their release, and music is certainly no different.

Bon Iver (a play off the french term for "good winter": "bon hiver") is one band/artist who got a ton of hype in the indie rock / folk communities last year and really surprised me. I find that when a band has so much good buzz going for them, I usually set my expectations impossibly high, but that certainly wasn't the case here.

I originally wrote Bon Iver off as the type of acoustic folk music that Pitchfork goes gaga over, but was totally enamored with the melodies and simple mood of his album, For Emma, Forever Ago. It's the perfect winter album.

The album ranked pretty high on my "Best of 2008" list, and I'm really digging his new Blood Bank EP as well.

Check out his (FREE) Daytrotter Sessions here.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

So I spent Valentine's Day watching Gattaca (which I need to pick up on DVD eventually) and playing video games. The holiday is being postponed a few days until Caitlin comes to visit me on Wednesday.

Also, my iphone has a little scratch on its screen. Color me sad.

Friday, February 13, 2009

If Valentine's Day Cards Told The Truth

Cracked.com's "If Valentine's Day Cards Told The Truth"

I feel like I've seen or posted about this before, but a cursory search through my blog archives shows I haven't. Anyways, check it out.
Not to sound like a corporate drone, but the amazingly talented people in the Atlantic Records Digital Department just created a really cool Jason Mraz Valentine's Day e-card. I'm really digging the art style, and it's pretty much endlessly customizable.

Check it out here

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Recommendation of the Day: #10

It's been a long week and I'm exhausted, so I'll make this one quick.

Recommendation of the Day: Nikola Sarcevic - Lock-Sport-Krock

Saying that Nikola Sarcevic is a man of many musical talents would be a huge understatement. Sarcevic, the lead singer of Swedish skate-punk band Millencolin branched out in 2004 and released his debut solo album Lock-Sport-Krock (don't ask me what the hell that means), and it blew me away.

I think it's probably best to approach Sarcevic's solo work never having heard Millencolin, because any preconceived notions about what this music might sound like is bound to be way off. Stripped-down and intimate, Sarcevic expertly mixes folk, country, and soft rock into an awesome album that brings me right back to a family trip to California after my high school graduation.

Also, with sappy song titles like, "Nobody Without You, "My Aim Is You", "You Make My World Go Round", this album makes for some great pre-Valentine's Day listening.

Here's a random live concert recording of his I found online:

This is be me being contradictory

I generally like people more once I find out they have a blog/twitter/tumblr/etc. account. I just found out that someone I don't think too highly of has a blog, and for some reason, it makes understand-- if not like -- them a little more.

Then again, maybe this is an exception to the rule. In the past, I've said that people tend to be nicer in person than online, and I can think of one particular ego-filled blogger who makes my blood boil. I'm sure if I ever met the guy in real life, I'd have a hard time separating his online personality from his real one.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Recommendation of the Day: #9

Recommendation of the Day: The Penn Jillette Radio Show

Penn Jillette of "Penn & Teller" fame had a daily radio show back in 2006 and 2007, and I've been slowly going through a lot of the old shows. The entire catalog can be found in the iTunes podcast store for free, and although I don't agree with a lot of what he says (he's a pretty staunch libertarian), he's a fascinating guy to listen to. Whether he's discussing gay marraige, organ donation by default, tattoos, marijuana laws, or Fox News, he makes the commute to work every morning that much easier.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Recommendation of the Day: #8

Recommendation of the Day: Bad Religion

With the news of the upcoming Blink-182 reunion, I decided to go back and look through my iTunes library for the bands that helped shape my current musical personality. In my formative years, I listened to a lot of punk / pop-punk music, and one of my favorite bands of that time period was Bad Religion. Although they've been around for nearly 30 years, I was way late to the party and got into them around the time they released The Process of Belief in 2002. While none of their other albums have hit me quite as hard, these guys write some of the catchiest social commentaries around.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

From Blink182.com

Hi. We're blink-182. This past week there've been a lot of questions about the current status of the band, and we wanted you to hear it straight from us. To put it simply, We're back. We mean, really back. Pkcking up where we left off and then some. In the studio writing and recording a new album. Preparing to tour the world yet again. Friendships reformed. 17 years deep in our legacy.

Summer 2009.

Thanks and get ready...

As someone who has loved and listened to music almost my entire life, it's rare that I get really, really excited anymore. I still get a kick out of buying CDs and going through the process of unwrapping them and reading the liner notes, but I can still get jaded from time to time. That said, this Blink-182 reunion announcement is a big deal to me. They were one of the first bands to get me into music, and they'll always hold a special place in my heart. In my eyes, they've never released a bad album, and their most recent one (released in 2003) might be my favorite. Can't wait to see what's next in store for these guys.
I'm actually looking forward to the Grammy's tonight, which is not something I say very often. Possible Blink-182 reunion info and a supposed Green Day surprise tonight make me excited. Maybe I'll blog on here while it's going on.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Recommendation of the Day: #7

Recommendation of the Day: P.O.S. - Never Better

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I'm not a huge fan of most hip-hop and rap artists. Still, some slip through the cracks and warm the cockles of my heart. P.O.S' Never Better is one of those albums. P.O.S. takes everything that's wrong with mainstream hip-hop and vastly improves on it, creating thoughtful, socially-conscious music. Kick-ass packaging certainly doesn't hurt. As I've said before, I love when artists take the time and effort to make a high-quality physical product, and this packaging is among the best I've ever seen (along with Copeland's You Are My Sunshine). It alone almost makes the album worth your hard-earned coin.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Red Bull Snowscrapers

I just spent some time hanging out stickers for work at the Red Bull Snowscrapers event in East River Park. Pretty cool outdoor free event, other than the 15 degree weather. Some highlights include:

- girl asking me if there was liquor in the stickers
- guy smoking weed in front of me, asking if I could get his band signed
- drunk guy stumbling and grabbing a handful of stickers from my hand

On the plus side, I had a pretty good response to the stickers and bands I was promoting.

Recommendation of the Day: #6

Recommendation of the Day: Saves The Day's "Stay What You Are"

After talking about this Saves the Day album in my recommendation of Two Tongues yesterday, I decided to take it for a spin on my way home from work tonight. Despite the fact that it's the dead of winter and 6 or 7 years after the fact, listening to Stay What You Are brought me right back to the summer day when I heard it for the first time in my bedroom. Not too many things can do that.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Recommendation of the Day: #5

Recommendation of the Day: Two Tongues

Two Tongues is the new side project from vocalists Chris Conley and Max Bemis of the pop-punk / emo mainstays Saves The Day and Say Anything, respectively. While I've never been a huge fan of the guys' earlier bands -- other than STD's "Stay What You Are", which is a pop-rock masterpiece -- I'm really digging what I've heard of Two Tongues so far. Chris' thin nasally voice and Max's lower-pitched growl (two ringing endorsements if I've ever heard them!) play off each other perfectly, and the resulting music is a fresh blend of the two's former works. Their debut album, Two Tongues hits stores today, February 3rd.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Recommendation of the Day: #4

Recommendation of the Day: The Wire

Having received The Wire: The Complete Series for Christmas this year (Thanks Santa!), I can easily see why this show tops many people's "Greatest TV Shows of All Time" lists. While Lost still holds the #1 spot in my heart, I love the two and a half seasons of The Wire that I've watched so far. People say that what makes the show so great are the drama-filled plot lines that spread themselves over the 5 seasons of the show, and the payoffs that come years after the fact. If that's the case, I can't wait to see what comes next for Jimmy McNulty and Co.

Shocker of the century

Wait, wait, wait, you mean to tell me that Cash4Gold...is...is...a...scam? Say it ain't so!!! How could MC Hammer and Ed McMahon steer me wrong?!?!?


Recommendation of the Day: #3

Had a lot of fun watching the Super Bowl with the roommates and some friends tonight. Apparently the recession is affecting ad agency creativity and sense of humor as well. Holy shit, were the Budweiser Clydesdale commercials cringe-inducing, and barring a few ads here and there, I thought everything was rather weak. Was anyone else confused as to why the horse in the ad for "The American Lager" had a Scottish accent? Perhaps I'm missing something here.

Recommendation of the Day: Girl Talk

Yes, I know I already recommended Girl Talk a few weeks ago, but I was listening to Feed The Animals during my pre-Superbowl run this afternoon (to make room), and wanted to put my recommendation down on paper, so to speak.

As a quick reminder, Girl Talk is the stage name of Gregg Gillis, who samples hundreds of popular songs and mixes them together into a kinetic frenzy of fun and nostalgia (I'm a huge fan of Sinead O'Connor's "Nothing Compares To You" spliced with T.I.'s "What You Know").

I can't remember the last time an artist made me this excited or hopeful about the power and future of music, and after choosing to download his album for free from his website -- other artists, take note -- I'll be sure to throw some cash his way. As someone who loves music, listening to this album is an absolute blast. Even if it's not your cup of tea, you'll certainly be entertained by Girl Talk's genius.

Download or Buy "Feed The Animals" Here

Sunday, February 1, 2009

It's a beautiful day in New York City today: 45 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. Days like today make me glad I'm not experiencing a Michigan winter right now.